Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, NamedTuple

from .tweet import Tweet
from .user import User
from .utils import Result, b64_to_str

    from .client import Client

[docs] class CommunityCreator(NamedTuple): id: str screen_name: str verified: bool
[docs] class CommunityRule(NamedTuple): id: str name: str
[docs] class CommunityMember: def __init__(self, client: Client, data: dict) -> None: self._client = client str = data['rest_id'] self.community_role: str = data['community_role'] self.super_following: bool = data['super_following'] self.super_follow_eligible: bool = data['super_follow_eligible'] self.super_followed_by: bool = data['super_followed_by'] self.smart_blocking: bool = data['smart_blocking'] self.is_blue_verified: bool = data['is_blue_verified'] legacy = data['legacy'] self.screen_name: str = legacy['screen_name'] str = legacy['name'] self.follow_request_sent: bool = legacy['follow_request_sent'] self.protected: bool = legacy['protected'] self.following: bool = legacy['following'] self.followed_by: bool = legacy['followed_by'] self.blocking: bool = legacy['blocking'] self.profile_image_url_https: str = legacy['profile_image_url_https'] self.verified: bool = legacy['verified'] def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return isinstance(__value, CommunityMember) and == def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return not self == __value def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<CommunityMember id="{}">'
[docs] class Community: """ Attributes ---------- id : :class:`str` The ID of the community. name : :class:`str` The name of the community. member_count : :class:`int` The count of members in the community. is_nsfw : :class:`bool` Indicates if the community is NSFW. members_facepile_results : list[:class:`str`] The profile image URLs of members. banner : :class:`dict` The banner information of the community. is_member : :class:`bool` Indicates if the user is a member of the community. role : :class:`str` The role of the user in the community. description : :class:`str` The description of the community. creator : :class:`User` | :class:`CommunityCreator` The creator of the community. admin : :class:`User` The admin of the community. join_policy : :class:`str` The join policy of the community. created_at : :class:`int` The timestamp of the community's creation. invites_policy : :class:`str` The invites policy of the community. is_pinned : :class:`bool` Indicates if the community is pinned. rules : list[:class:`CommunityRule`] The rules of the community. """ def __init__(self, client: Client, data: dict) -> None: self._client = client str = data['rest_id'] str = data['name'] self.member_count: int = data['member_count'] self.is_nsfw: bool = data['is_nsfw'] self.members_facepile_results: list[str] = [ i['result']['legacy']['profile_image_url_https'] for i in data['members_facepile_results'] ] self.banner: dict = data['default_banner_media']['media_info'] self.is_member: bool = data.get('is_member') self.role: str = data.get('role') self.description: str = data.get('description') if 'creator_results' in data: creator = data['creator_results']['result'] if 'rest_id' in creator: self.creator = User(client, creator) else: self.creator = CommunityCreator( b64_to_str(creator['id']).removeprefix('User:'), creator['legacy']['screen_name'], creator['legacy']['verified'] ) else: self.creator = None if 'admin_results' in data: admin = data['admin_results']['result'] self.admin = User(client, admin) else: self.admin = None self.join_policy: str = data.get('join_policy') self.created_at: int = data.get('created_at') self.invites_policy: str = data.get('invites_policy') self.is_pinned: bool = data.get('is_pinned') if 'rules' in data: self.rules: list = [ CommunityRule(i['rest_id'], i['name']) for i in data['rules'] ] else: self.rules = None
[docs] def get_tweets( self, tweet_type: Literal['Top', 'Latest', 'Media'], count: int = 40, cursor: str | None = None ) -> Result[Tweet]: """ Retrieves tweets from the community. Parameters ---------- tweet_type : {'Top', 'Latest', 'Media'} The type of tweets to retrieve. count : :class:`int`, default=40 The number of tweets to retrieve. Returns ------- Result[:class:`Tweet`] List of retrieved tweets. Examples -------- >>> tweets = community.get_tweets('Latest') >>> for tweet in tweets: ... print(tweet) <Tweet id="..."> <Tweet id="..."> ... >>> more_tweets = # Retrieve more tweets """ return self._client.get_community_tweets(, tweet_type, count, cursor )
[docs] def join(self) -> Community: """ Join the community. """ return self._client.join_community(
[docs] def leave(self) -> Community: """ Leave the community. """ return self._client.leave_community(
[docs] def request_to_join(self, answer: str | None = None) -> Community: """ Request to join the community. """ return self._client.request_to_join_community(, answer)
[docs] def get_members( self, count: int = 20, cursor: str | None = None ) -> Result[CommunityMember]: """ Retrieves members of the community. Parameters ---------- count : :class:`int`, default=20 The number of members to retrieve. Returns ------- Result[:class:`CommunityMember`] List of retrieved members. """ return self._client.get_community_members(, count, cursor )
[docs] def get_moderators( self, count: int = 20, cursor: str | None = None ) -> Result[CommunityMember]: """ Retrieves moderators of the community. Parameters ---------- count : :class:`int`, default=20 The number of moderators to retrieve. Returns ------- Result[:class:`CommunityMember`] List of retrieved moderators. """ return self._client.get_community_moderators(, count, cursor )
[docs] def search_tweet( self, query: str, count: int = 20, cursor: str | None = None )-> Result[Tweet]: """Searchs tweets in the community. Parameters ---------- query : :class:`str` The search query. count : :class:`int`, default=20 The number of tweets to retrieve. Returns ------- Result[:class:`Tweet`] List of retrieved tweets. """ return self._client.search_community_tweet(, query, count, cursor )
[docs] def update(self) -> None: new = self._client.get_community( self.__dict__.update(new.__dict__)
def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return isinstance(__value, Community) and == def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return not self == __value def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<Community id="{}">'