Source code for twikit.tweet

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from .user import User
from .utils import find_dict, timestamp_to_datetime

    from httpx import Response

    from .client import Client
    from .community import Community
    from .utils import Result

[docs] class Tweet: """ Attributes ---------- id : :class:`str` The unique identifier of the tweet. created_at : :class:`str` The date and time when the tweet was created. created_at_datetime : :class:`datetime` The created_at converted to datetime. user: :class:`User` Author of the tweet. text : :class:`str` The full text of the tweet. lang : :class:`str` The language of the tweet. in_reply_to : :class:`str` The tweet ID this tweet is in reply to, if any is_quote_status : :class:`bool` Indicates if the tweet is a quote status. quote : :class:`Tweet` The Tweet being quoted (if any) retweeted_tweet : :class:`bool` Whether the tweet is a retweet possibly_sensitive : :class:`bool` Indicates if the tweet content may be sensitive. possibly_sensitive_editable : :class:`bool` Indicates if the tweet's sensitivity can be edited. quote_count : :class:`int` The count of quotes for the tweet. media : :class:`list` A list of media entities associated with the tweet. reply_count : :class:`int` The count of replies to the tweet. favorite_count : :class:`int` The count of favorites or likes for the tweet. favorited : :class:`bool` Indicates if the tweet is favorited. view_count: :class:`int` | None The count of views. retweet_count : :class:`int` The count of retweets for the tweet. editable_until_msecs : :class:`int` The timestamp until which the tweet is editable. is_translatable : :class:`bool` Indicates if the tweet is translatable. is_edit_eligible : :class:`bool` Indicates if the tweet is eligible for editing. edits_remaining : :class:`int` The remaining number of edits allowed for the tweet. state : :class:`str` | None The state of the tweet views. replies: Result[:class:`Tweet`] | None Replies to the tweet. reply_to: list[:class:`Tweet`] | None A list of Tweet objects representing the tweets to which to reply. related_tweets : list[:class:`Tweet`] | None Related tweets. hashtags: list[:class:`str`] Hashtags included in the tweet text. poll : :class:`Poll` Poll attached to the tweet. has_card : :class:`bool` Indicates if the tweet contains a card. thumbnail_title : :class:`str` | None The title of the webpage displayed inside tweet's card. thumbnail_url : :class:`str` | None Link to the image displayed in the tweet's card. urls : :class:`list` Information about URLs contained in the tweet. full_text : :class:`str` | None The full text of the tweet. """ def __init__(self, client: Client, data: dict, user: User = None) -> None: self._client = client self._data = data self.user = user self.replies: Result[Tweet] | None = None self.reply_to: list[Tweet] | None = None self.related_tweets: list[Tweet] | None = None self.thread: list[Tweet] | None = None str = data['rest_id'] legacy = data['legacy'] self.created_at: str = legacy['created_at'] self.text: str = legacy['full_text'] self.lang: str = legacy['lang'] self.is_quote_status: bool = legacy['is_quote_status'] self.in_reply_to: str | None = self._data['legacy'].get( 'in_reply_to_status_id_str' ) if data.get('quoted_status_result'): quoted_tweet = data.pop('quoted_status_result')['result'] if 'tweet' in quoted_tweet: quoted_tweet = quoted_tweet['tweet'] if quoted_tweet.get('__typename') != 'TweetTombstone': quoted_user = User( client, quoted_tweet['core']['user_results']['result'] ) self.quote: Tweet = Tweet(client, quoted_tweet, quoted_user) else: self.quote = None if legacy.get('retweeted_status_result'): retweeted_tweet = legacy.pop('retweeted_status_result')['result'] if 'tweet' in retweeted_tweet: retweeted_tweet = retweeted_tweet['tweet'] retweeted_user = User( client, retweeted_tweet['core']['user_results']['result'] ) self.retweeted_tweet: Tweet = Tweet( client, retweeted_tweet, retweeted_user ) else: self.retweeted_tweet = None note_tweet_results = find_dict(data, 'note_tweet_results') self.full_text: str = self.text if note_tweet_results: text_list = find_dict(note_tweet_results, 'text') if text_list: self.full_text = text_list[0] entity_set = note_tweet_results[0]['result']['entity_set'] self.urls: list = entity_set.get('urls') hashtags = entity_set.get('hashtags', []) else: self.urls: list = legacy['entities'].get('urls') hashtags = legacy['entities'].get('hashtags', []) self.hashtags: list[str] = [ i['text'] for i in hashtags ] self.is_quote_status: bool = legacy['is_quote_status'] self.possibly_sensitive: bool = legacy.get('possibly_sensitive') self.possibly_sensitive_editable: bool = legacy.get( 'possibly_sensitive_editable') self.quote_count: int = legacy['quote_count'] list = legacy['entities'].get('media') self.reply_count: int = legacy['reply_count'] self.favorite_count: int = legacy['favorite_count'] self.favorited: bool = legacy['favorited'] self.view_count: int = (data['views'].get('count') if 'views' in data else None) self.retweet_count: int = legacy['retweet_count'] self.editable_until_msecs: int = data['edit_control'].get( 'editable_until_msecs') self.is_translatable: bool = data.get('is_translatable') self.is_edit_eligible: bool = data['edit_control'].get( 'is_edit_eligible') self.edits_remaining: int = data['edit_control'].get('edits_remaining') self.state: str = (data['views'].get('state') if 'views' in data else None) self.has_community_notes: bool = data.get('has_birdwatch_notes') self.community_note = None if 'birdwatch_pivot' in data: community_note_data = data['birdwatch_pivot'] if 'note' in community_note_data: self.community_note = { 'id': community_note_data['note']['rest_id'], 'text': community_note_data['subtitle']['text'] } if ( 'card' in data and 'legacy' in data['card'] and 'name' in data['card']['legacy'] and data['card']['legacy']['name'].startswith('poll') ): self._poll_data = data['card'] else: self._poll_data = None self.thumbnail_url = None self.thumbnail_title = None self.has_card = 'card' in data if ( 'card' in data and 'legacy' in data['card'] and 'binding_values' in data['card']['legacy'] ): card_data = data['card']['legacy']['binding_values'] if isinstance(card_data, list): binding_values = { i.get('key'): i.get('value') for i in card_data } if ( 'title' in binding_values and 'string_value' in binding_values['title'] ): self.thumbnail_title = binding_values['title']['string_value'] if ( 'thumbnail_image_original' in binding_values and 'image_value' in binding_values['thumbnail_image_original'] and 'url' in binding_values['thumbnail_image_original' ]['image_value'] ): self.thumbnail_url = binding_values['thumbnail_image_original' ]['image_value']['url'] @property def created_at_datetime(self) -> datetime: return timestamp_to_datetime(self.created_at) @property def poll(self) -> Poll: return self._poll_data and Poll(self._client, self._poll_data, self)
[docs] def delete(self) -> Response: """Deletes the tweet. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. Examples -------- >>> tweet.delete() """ return self._client.delete_tweet(
[docs] def favorite(self) -> Response: """ Favorites the tweet. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. See Also -------- Client.favorite_tweet """ return self._client.favorite_tweet(
[docs] def unfavorite(self) -> Response: """ Favorites the tweet. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. See Also -------- Client.unfavorite_tweet """ return self._client.unfavorite_tweet(
[docs] def retweet(self) -> Response: """ Retweets the tweet. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. See Also -------- Client.retweet """ return self._client.retweet(
[docs] def delete_retweet(self) -> Response: """ Deletes the retweet. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. See Also -------- Client.delete_retweet """ return self._client.delete_retweet(
[docs] def bookmark(self) -> Response: """ Adds the tweet to bookmarks. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. See Also -------- Client.bookmark_tweet """ return self._client.bookmark_tweet(
[docs] def delete_bookmark(self) -> Response: """ Removes the tweet from bookmarks. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. See Also -------- Client.delete_bookmark """ return self._client.delete_bookmark(
[docs] def reply( self, text: str = '', media_ids: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs ) -> Tweet: """ Replies to the tweet. Parameters ---------- text : :class:`str`, default='' The text content of the reply. media_ids : list[:class:`str`], default=None A list of media IDs or URIs to attach to the reply. Media IDs can be obtained by using the `upload_media` method. Returns ------- :class:`Tweet` The created tweet. Examples -------- >>> tweet_text = 'Example text' >>> media_ids = [ ... client.upload_media('image1.png'), ... client.upload_media('image2.png') ... ] >>> tweet.reply( ... tweet_text, ... media_ids=media_ids ... ) See Also -------- `Client.upload_media` """ return self._client.create_tweet( text, media_ids,, **kwargs )
[docs] def get_retweeters( self, count: str = 40, cursor: str | None = None ) -> Result[User]: """ Retrieve users who retweeted the tweet. Parameters ---------- count : :class:`int`, default=40 The maximum number of users to retrieve. cursor : :class:`str`, default=None A string indicating the position of the cursor for pagination. Returns ------- Result[:class:`User`] A list of users who retweeted the tweet. Examples -------- >>> tweet_id = '...' >>> retweeters = tweet.get_retweeters() >>> print(retweeters) [<User id="...">, <User id="...">, ..., <User id="...">] >>> more_retweeters = # Retrieve more retweeters. >>> print(more_retweeters) [<User id="...">, <User id="...">, ..., <User id="...">] """ return self._client.get_retweeters(, count, cursor)
[docs] def get_favoriters( self, count: str = 40, cursor: str | None = None ) -> Result[User]: """ Retrieve users who favorited a specific tweet. Parameters ---------- tweet_id : :class:`str` The ID of the tweet. count : int, default=40 The maximum number of users to retrieve. cursor : :class:`str`, default=None A string indicating the position of the cursor for pagination. Returns ------- Result[:class:`User`] A list of users who favorited the tweet. Examples -------- >>> tweet_id = '...' >>> favoriters = tweet.get_favoriters() >>> print(favoriters) [<User id="...">, <User id="...">, ..., <User id="...">] >>> more_favoriters = # Retrieve more favoriters. >>> print(more_favoriters) [<User id="...">, <User id="...">, ..., <User id="...">] """ return self._client.get_favoriters(, count, cursor)
[docs] def get_similar_tweets(self) -> list[Tweet]: """ Retrieves tweets similar to the tweet (Twitter premium only). Returns ------- list[:class:`Tweet`] A list of Tweet objects representing tweets similar to the tweet. """ return self._client.get_similar_tweets(
[docs] def update(self) -> None: new = self._client.get_tweet_by_id( self.__dict__.update(new.__dict__)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<Tweet id="{}">' def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return isinstance(__value, Tweet) and == def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return not self == __value
[docs] def tweet_from_data(client: Client, data: dict) -> Tweet: tweet_data_ = find_dict(data, 'result', True) if not tweet_data_: return None tweet_data = tweet_data_[0] if tweet_data.get('__typename') == 'TweetTombstone': return None if 'tweet' in tweet_data: tweet_data = tweet_data['tweet'] if 'core' not in tweet_data: return None if 'result' not in tweet_data['core']['user_results']: return None if 'legacy' not in tweet_data: return None user_data = tweet_data['core']['user_results']['result'] return Tweet(client, tweet_data, User(client, user_data))
[docs] class ScheduledTweet: def __init__(self, client: Client, data: dict) -> None: self._client = client = data['rest_id'] self.execute_at: int = data['scheduling_info']['execute_at'] self.state: str = data['scheduling_info']['state'] self.type: str = data['tweet_create_request']['type'] self.text: str = data['tweet_create_request']['status'] = [i['media_info'] for i in data.get('media_entities', [])]
[docs] def delete(self) -> Response: """ Delete the scheduled tweet. Returns ------- :class:`httpx.Response` Response returned from twitter api. """ return self._client.delete_scheduled_tweet(
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<ScheduledTweet id="{}">' def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return isinstance(__value, ScheduledTweet) and == def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return not self == __value
[docs] class TweetTombstone: def __init__(self, client: Client, tweet_id: str, data: dict) -> None: self._client = client = tweet_id self.text: str = data['text']['text'] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<TweetTombstone id="{}">' def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return isinstance(__value, TweetTombstone) and == def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return not self == __value
[docs] class Poll: """Represents a poll associated with a tweet. Attributes ---------- tweet : :class:`Tweet` The tweet associated with the poll. id : :class:`str` The unique identifier of the poll. name : :class:`str` The name of the poll. choices : list[:class:`dict`] A list containing dictionaries representing poll choices. Each dictionary contains 'label' and 'count' keys for choice label and count. duration_minutes : :class:`int` The duration of the poll in minutes. end_datetime_utc : :class:`str` The end date and time of the poll in UTC format. last_updated_datetime_utc : :class:`str` The last updated date and time of the poll in UTC format. selected_choice : :class:`str` | None Number of the selected choice. """ def __init__( self, client: Client, data: dict, tweet: Tweet | None = None ) -> None: self._client = client self.tweet = tweet legacy = data['legacy'] binding_values = legacy['binding_values'] if isinstance(legacy['binding_values'], list): binding_values = { i.get('key'): i.get('value') for i in legacy['binding_values'] } str = data['rest_id'] str = legacy['name'] choices_number = int(re.findall( r'poll(\d)choice_text_only', )[0]) choices = [] for i in range(1, choices_number + 1): choice_label = binding_values[f'choice{i}_label'] choice_count = binding_values[f'choice{i}_count'] choices.append({ 'number': str(i), 'label': choice_label['string_value'], 'count': choice_count.get('string_value', '0') }) self.choices = choices duration_minutes = binding_values['duration_minutes']['string_value'] self.duration_minutes = int(duration_minutes) end = binding_values['end_datetime_utc']['string_value'] updated = binding_values['last_updated_datetime_utc']['string_value'] self.end_datetime_utc: str = end self.last_updated_datetime_utc: str = updated counts_are_final = binding_values['counts_are_final']['boolean_value'] self.counts_are_final: bool = counts_are_final if 'selected_choice' in binding_values: selected_choice = binding_values['selected_choice']['string_value'] self.selected_choice: str = selected_choice else: self.selected_choice = None
[docs] def vote(self, selected_choice: str) -> Poll: """ Vote on the poll with the specified selected choice. Parameters ---------- selected_choice : :class:`str` The label of the selected choice for the vote. Returns ------- :class:`Poll` The Poll object representing the updated poll after voting. """ return selected_choice,,, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<Poll id="{}">' def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return isinstance(__value, Poll) and == def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return not self == __value
[docs] class CommunityNote: """Represents a community note. Attributes ---------- id : :class:`str` The ID of the community note. text : :class:`str` The text content of the community note. misleading_tags : list[:class:`str`] A list of tags indicating misleading information. trustworthy_sources : :class:`bool` Indicates if the sources are trustworthy. helpful_tags : list[:class:`str`] A list of tags indicating helpful information. created_at : :class:`int` The timestamp when the note was created. can_appeal : :class:`bool` Indicates if the note can be appealed. appeal_status : :class:`str` The status of the appeal. is_media_note : :class:`bool` Indicates if the note is related to media content. media_note_matches : :class:`str` Matches related to media content. birdwatch_profile : :class:`dict` Birdwatch profile associated with the note. tweet_id : :class:`str` The ID of the tweet associated with the note. """ def __init__(self, client: Client, data: dict) -> None: self._client = client str = data['rest_id'] data_v1 = data['data_v1'] self.text: str = data_v1['summary']['text'] self.misleading_tags: list[str] = data_v1.get('misleading_tags') self.trustworthy_sources: bool = data_v1.get('trustworthy_sources') self.helpful_tags: list[str] = data.get('helpful_tags') self.created_at: int = data.get('created_at') self.can_appeal: bool = data.get('can_appeal') self.appeal_status: str = data.get('appeal_status') self.is_media_note: bool = data.get('is_media_note') self.media_note_matches: str = data.get('media_note_matches') self.birdwatch_profile: dict = data.get('birdwatch_profile') self.tweet_id: str = data['tweet_results']['result']['rest_id']
[docs] def update(self) -> None: new = self._client.get_community_note( self.__dict__.update(new.__dict__)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<CommunityNote id="{}">' def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return isinstance(__value, CommunityNote) and == def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return not self == __value